Deciding on where to get your travel vaccinations and what you need
Our Practice Nurses can provide Travel Health Advice and give vaccines that are available on the NHS for travel.
To check the vaccines, you may require we suggest checking one of the websites below.
You should also check your vaccination history. You can do this by looking at your medical records online. Ask at reception if you’re not signed up for online access. If you don’t have a computer, you can request a copy of your vaccination history from reception – please note you will be asked to complete your request in writing.
We are unable to give vaccines that aren’t available free of charge or provide prescriptions for anti-malarial medication. If you feel you may need these we suggest going to an alternative provider or travel clinic. Please be aware these providers may charge for advice and NHS vaccines as well as the non-NHS vaccines, certificates and anti-malaria medication/prescription.
When to book your appointment
Please ensure you book your appointment with us at least 8 weeks in advance. Appointments for travel are limited and you may need a course of vaccinations which may need to be given over a 12-week period.
We strongly recommend that you visit a travel advice website as this will guide you through the vaccinations needed for the areas you are visiting which will help you decide who you need to see and when.
Our appointments will be for 20 minutes. This is to give the Practice Nurse time to review your travel plans against your clinical record and order in any vaccines you may need. If there is no suitable appointment before you travel the receptionist will recommend that you see a private provider instead.
Help! I’m travelling in the next few weeks
We cannot squeeze travel appointments in at the expense of other patients’ appointments irrespective of when you are travelling or how many or few vaccinations you need. Please do not pressure our reception staff.